Enki is a god in Sumerian/Mesopotamian times. He is patron god over the others and his name roughly translates as Lord of the Earth.
Hi and welcome! My name is Liz. I am a qualifed Reiki practitioner based in Bournemouth, Dorset. I also give intuitive Oracle and Tarot card readings. I have been on my path for many years now and I am ready to share my abilities with others. I chose the name Enki's Daughter because I very much am, Enki's daughter. He is lord of the earth, father of many. I am drawn to working with the earth. My main Oracle card deck I use are Earth Magic Oracle. The name just was meant to be for me. I am also very honored to be able to work in Enki's name. I hope you will find my workings appealing and thank you for visiting my site. Love and Light be with you always.